Signal Processing Letters Presentation
Authors of papers published in the Signal Processing Letters (SPL) will be given the opportunity to present their work at ICASSP 2014, subject to space availability and approval by the Technical Program Chairs of ICASSP 2014.
SPL papers published in or after 1 May 2013 and SPL manuscripts accepted (and not yet published) on or before
7 January 2014 are eligible for this presentation opportunity.
SPL papers presented at ICASSP 2014 will not be included in the ICASSP 2014 proceedings, as they have already been published in Signal Processing Letters. Approved requests for presentation must have one author/presenter register for the conference according to the ICASSP 2014 registration instructions.
Requests to present SPL work at ICASSP 2014 must be submitted by 7 January 2014. Do not submit SPL papers through the regular ICASSP 2014 paper submission system!
The on-line submission system for Signal Processing Letters Presentations will open on 13 November 2013.