Awards and Grants

Best Student Paper Awards prizes:

Together with a certificate and a money prize sponsored by Amazon, CNIT, and NEWCOM, the two winners of the first prize of Best Student Paper Awards will receive the Four Volume Set of Academic Press Library in Signal Processing: Editors: Sergios Theodoridis and Rama Chellappa (see: and the winners of the second and third prize will receive some other books kindly offered by Academic Press.

Winners of Best Student Paper Award

After a thorough review of all candidate papers from an outstanding team of judges formed by Elio di Claudio, Petar Djuric, Jean-Luc Dugelay, Leonard A. Ferrari, Hongbin Li, Rayner Martin, Patrick Naylor, Carlo Regazzoni, Ivan Tashev, Stefano Tubaro, Alle-Jan van Veen and Pramod Varshney, it is our great pleasure to announce the winners of the ICASSP 2014 Best Student Paper Awards:

1st Prize to:

- Aamir Anis and Akshay Gadde
for the paper: “Towards a sampling theorem for signals on arbitrary graphs” authored by Aamir Anis, Akshay Gadde and Antonio Ortega.

2nd Prize to:

- Ha Q. Nguyen
for the paper: “Compression of Human Body Sequences Using Graph Wavelet Filter Banks” authored by Ha Q. Nguyen, Philip A. Chou, and Yinpeng Chen.

- Yevgen Matviychuk
for the paper: “Regularizing inverse problems in image processing with a manifold-based model of overlapping patches” authored by Yevgen Matviychuk, and Shannon M. Hughes.

3rd Prize to:

- Christian Huemmer, Christian Hofmann, Roland Maas, and Andreas Schwarz

for the paper: “The elitist particle filter based on evolutionary strategies as novel approach for nonlinear acoustic echo cancellation”
authored by Christian Huemmer, Christian Hofmann, Roland Maas, Andreas Schwarz, and Walter Kellermann.

- Xiao Fu and John Tranter
for the paper: “Blind Spectra Separation and Direction Finding for Cognitive Radio Using Temporal Correlation-domain ESPRIT” authored by Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos, Xiao Fu, Wing-Kin Ma, and John Tranter.

- Dennis L. Sun
for the paper: “Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Non-Negative Matrix Factorization with the Beta-Divergence” authored by Dennis L. Sun and Cédric Févotte.

Congratulations to all the winners.
Alberto Carini
Antonio De Maio

Winners of Starkey Signal Processing Research Student Grant

Po-Sen Huang and Minje Kim; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
for the paper entitled "Deep Learning for Monaural Speech Separation".

Winners of IBM Research Spoken Language Processing Student Grants

Simon Wiesler e Alexander Richard, RWTH Aachen University
for the paper entitled "Mean-Normalized Stochastic Gradient for Large-Scale Deep Learning".

Chao Zhang, University of Cambridge
for the paper entitled "Standalone Training of Context-Dependent Deep Neural Network Acoustic Models".

Jungsuk Kim, Carnegie Mellon University
for the paper entitled "Accelerating Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition on Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Platforms".

Po-Sen Huang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
for the paper entitled "Kernel Methods Match Deep Neural Networks on Timit".

Winners of IEEE Ganesh N. Ramaswamy Memorial Student Grant:

* Liping Chen - University of Science and Technology of China, P.R. China “MINIMUM DIVERGENCE ESTIMATION OF SPEAKER PRIOR IN MULTI-SESSION PLDA SCORING”

The Ganesh N. Ramaswamy Memorial Student Grant Fund was established with a $10,000 contribution from IBM. It will be administered by the IEEE Signal Processing Society to honor the memory of the former member and IBM employee who died in 2008. Ramaswamy was manager of the Conversational Biometrics Group in the Human Language Technologies Department at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, N.Y. He was a member of the IEEE Speech and Language Technical Committee. Candidates must be pursuing a degree at a university. The fund will support the recognition of an outstanding paper by a student in the technical area of speech or language recognition. The award will be presented at the annual IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP).

The Ganesh N. Ramaswamy Memorial Fund is a cash grant, with a fixed dollar amount, administered by the IEEE Foundation, which is to be used by each student to attend the ICASSP conference. The recipient(s) of the grant will be announced at an event during the conference.

Winners of Spoken Language Processing Student Travel Grant:

Congratulations to the two winners of the Spoken Language Processing Student Travel Grant.


* Kuan-Yu Chen - National Taiwan University, Taipei, TAIWAN * Hung-Shin Lee - Academia Sinica, Taipei, TAIWAN “I-VECTOR BASED LANGUAGE MODELING FOR SPOKEN DOCUMENT RETRIEVAL”

The IEEE Spoken Language Processing Student Travel Grant, sponsored by Drs. XD Huang, Alex Acero and Hsiao-Wuen Hon with proceeds from royalties of their book Spoken Language Processing (Prentice Hall, 2001), honors the student of an outstanding paper in the spoken language processing area accepted for publication in a conference (ICASSP) or a workshop (ASRU) sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society. This is a cash grant, with a fixed dollar amount, administered by the IEEE Foundation, which is to be used by each student to attend such conference or workshop. The recipient(s) of the grant will be announced at an event during the conference or workshop. Candidates must be pursuing a degree at a university. Papers will be judged on the basis of quality and need, which will be evaluated by the IEEE Signal Processing Society's Speech and Language Technical Committee. More information about the Spoken Language Processing Student Travel Grant is available at


Starkey Signal Processing Research Student Grant

The Starkey Signal Processing Research Student Grant, sponsored by Starkey Hearing Technologies, a recognized global leader in providing the highest quality hearing technology available, honors the student(s) of an outstanding paper in the areas of assisted listening technologies, speech enhancement and low power real-time embedded design for hearing instruments, accepted for publication in ICASSP sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society. Eligible candidates must be enrolled and pursuing a relevant degree in a university. The grant is a cash grant in the amount of 1000 euros, which is to be used by the recipient(s) to attend the conference. Applications should be sent to the chair of the Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing Technical Committee ( , the chair of the Speech and Language Processing Technical Committee ( and the chair of the Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems Technical Committee ( . The application deadline will be announced at the ICASSP website. Eligible papers will be evaluated and judged based on the quality and relevance to the areas of identified research. The recipient(s) of the grant will be announced during the ICASSP. More information about the Starkey Signal Processing Research Student Grant can be found at
Application for Starkey Signal Processing Research Student Grant should be sent before March, 7 to the chair of the Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing Technical Committee (, the chair of the Speech and Language Processing Technical Committee (, or the chair of the Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems Technical Committee ( according to the paper topic. This form can be used.


IBM Research Spoken Language Processing Student Grants

The IBM Research Spoken Language Processing Student Travel Grants, sponsored by IBM Research, honor students of outstanding papers in the spoken language processing area accepted for publication at ICASSP, sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society. This is a cash grant, with a fixed dollar amount, administered by IBM Research, which is to be used by each student to attend such conference or workshop. The recipient(s) of the grant will be announced at ICASSP. Candidates must be pursuing a degree at a university. Papers will be judged on the basis of quality and need, which will be evaluated by the IEEE Signal Processing Society's Speech and Language Technical Committee.


Spoken Language Processing Student Grant

The IEEE Spoken Language Processing Student Travel Grant, sponsored by Drs. XD Huang, Alex Acero and Hsiao-Wuen Hon with proceeds from royalties of their book Spoken Language Processing (Prentice Hall, 2001), honors the student of an outstanding paper in the spoken language processing area accepted for publication in a conference (ICASSP) or a workshop (ASRU) sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society. This is a cash grant, with a fixed dollar amount, administered by the IEEE Foundation, which is to be used by each student to attend such conference or workshop. The recipient(s) of the grant will be announced at an event during the conference or workshop. Candidates must be pursuing a degree at a university. Papers will be judged on the basis of quality and need, which will be evaluated by the IEEE Signal Processing Society's Speech and Language Technical Committee. More information about the Spoken Language Processing Student Travel Grant is available at


The Ganesh N. Ramaswamy Memorial Student Grant

The Ganesh N. Ramaswamy Memorial Student Grant Fund was established with a $10,000 contribution from IBM. It will be administered by the IEEE Signal Processing Society to honor the memory of the former member and IBM employee who died in 2008. Ramaswamy was manager of the Conversational Biometrics Group in the Human Language Technologies Department at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, N.Y. He was a member of the IEEE Speech and Language Technical Committee. The Ganesh N. Ramaswamy Memorial Student Grant recognizes the student author(s) of an outstanding paper(s) in the speaker and language recognition area accepted for publication in the proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). The Ganesh N. Ramaswamy Memorial Student Grant is a cash grant, with a fixed dollar amount, administered by the IEEE Foundation, which is to be used by each student to attend the ICASSP conference. Candidates must be pursuing a degree at a university. The recipient(s) of the grant will be announced at an event during the conference.


Best Student Paper Award

The Best Student Paper Award recognizes the authors of the best student papers accepted for publication in the proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). A paper is considered a student paper if and only if the first author/s is a student at the time of the paper submission. Student papers must be marked so during the paper submission. The Best Student Paper Award is shared among all students authoring the paper. All student papers can participate to the Best Student Paper Award independently of the paper area. All papers shall be equally judged. The Best Student Paper Award consists in a certificate and a money prize. The award will be announced at an event during the conference. In case of a no-show of an awarded paper, the corresponding award will be revoked and not assigned to any other paper.

The following procedure will be followed to select the best student papers: During the review process, reviewers will be asked to assess if the student papers have Award quality. Based on these reviews, the Technical Committees will select the best student paper in each track amongst those accepted for the conference. The list of all best student papers per track will be published on the conference website and the authors of these papers will receive a certificate recognizing their achievement. A committee of judges will independently review again all the papers of this list and will eventually select the paper/s to be awarded with the Best Student Paper Award.

The Best Student Paper Awards will consist in a certificate, a money prize, kindly sponsored by Amazon, CNIT, and NEWCOM, and some books (including some copies of "Academic Press Library in Signal Processing") offered by Academic Press, Elsevier.

After a careful selection, the IEEE Signal Processing Society Technical Committees have decided the candidate papers for the Best Student Paper Award (please, see the list below). Each of them represents the best student paper for a specific signal processing track and this is already a great achievement for the authors. All the papers will be reviewed again by another independent committee of judges that will eventually select the papers to be awarded with the Best Student Paper Award. The award will be announced at an event during the conference. In case of a no-show of an awarded paper, the corresponding award will be revoked and not assigned to any other paper.

Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing
1569860299: The elitist particle filter based on evolutionary strategies as novel approach for nonlinear acoustic echo cancellation
by Christian Huemmer, Christian Hofmann, Roland Maas, Andreas Schwarz, and Walter Kellermann

Bio Imaging and Signal Processing
1569862747: Joint recovery of under sampled signals on a manifold: application to free breathing cardiac MRI
by Sunrita Poddar, Sajan Goud Lingala, Mathews Jacob

Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems
1569857569: Error-Adaptive Classifier Boosting (EACB): Exploiting Data-driven Training for Highly Fault-tolerant Hardware
by Zhuo Wang, Robert Schapire, Naveen Verma

Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing
1569862583: Regularizing inverse problems in image processing with a manifold-based model of overlapping patches
by Yevgen Matviychuk, Shannon M. Hughes

Information Forensics and Security
1569856295: Artificial-Noise-Aided Secure Multi-Antenna Transmission in Slow Fading Channels with Limited Feedback
by Xi Zhang, Xiangyun Zhou, Matthew R. McKay, Robert W. Heath Jr.

Industry DSP Technology Standing Committee
No eligible paper.

Machine Learning for Signal Processing
1569862423: Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Non-Negative Matrix Factorization with the Beta-Divergence
by Dennis L. Sun, Cedric Févotté

Multimedia Signal Processing
1569861095: Compression of Human Body Sequences Using Graph Wavelet Filter Banks
by Ha Q. Nguyen , Philip A. Chouy, Yinpeng Cheny

Sensor Array and Multichannel
1569856729: Blind Spectra Separation and Direction Finding for Cognitive Radio Using Temporal Correlation-domain ESPRIT
by Xiao Fu, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos, Wing-Kin Ma, John Tranter

Signal Processing for Communications and Networking
1569849037: Pilot-assisted ergodic interference alignment for wireless networks
by Hamed Farhadi, Majid Nasiri Khormuji, Mikael Skoglund

Signal Processing Theory and Methods
1569859091: Towards a sampling theorem for signals on arbitrary graphs
by Aamir Anis, Akshay Gadde and Antonio Ortega

Speech and Language Processing
1569859967: Mean-Normalized Stochastic Gradient For Large-Scale Deep Learning
by Simon Wiesler, Alexander Richard, Ralf Schluter, Hermann Ney