Qualcomm Travel Grants
Qualcomm provides support to students for attending ICASSP 2014. The support is for students who attend ICASSP 2014 conference and are co-author of an accepted paper. The grants, if approved, will be distributed shortly after the conference. The awardees will be selected by a committee.
After being selected, the students will be asked to provide a copy of their receipt (all in one document). Then their documents will be processed by the ICASSP 2014 PCO and checks sent to the students.
The deadline for submitting a travel grant application is April 8, 2014. For submitting your application click here. Please upload in EDAS:
1) A brief letter from your advisor providing your status (M.S., Ph.D., year of study) and the need for the support.
2) A document with your expected costs for attending ICASSP2014.