Call For Papers

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The 39th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)

will be held in Florence, Italy, at the Fortezza da Basso Convention and Exhibition Centre on May 4-9, 2014 ( ICASSP is the World's largest and most comprehensive technical conference focused on signal processing and its applications. The conference will feature world-class speakers, tutorials, exhibits, and thematic workshops. Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Audio and acoustic signal processing
  • Bio-imaging and signal processing
  • Signal processing education
  • Speech processing
  • Industry technology tracks
  • Information forensics and security
  • Machine learning for signal processing
  • Multimedia signal processing
  • Sensor array & multichannel signal processing
  • Design & implementation of signal processing systems
  • Signal processing for communications & networking
  • Image, video & multidimensional signal processing
  • Signal processing theory & methods
  • Spoken language processing
  • Biological and Biomedical Signal Processing

Place: Florence is one of the most renowned cities in the world, not only due to its location in the heart of Tuscany, but also because of its connection to the evolution of art, culture, and scientific thought. It is in this area that Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo Galilei made their groundbreaking discoveries during the Renaissance, paving the way to modern science. Now that signal processing has become the science behind a wide range of application areas, from wireless communications to speech processing, from bioinformatics to multimedia, it seems only right to hold the 2014 edition of ICASSP in this city of Culture.

Submission of Papers: Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers of up to four pages of technical content (including figures and references), with a possible extension to a 5th page containing only references. The selection of the best papers will be made by the ICASSP 2014 committee based on recommendations from the Technical Committees.

Notice: The IEEE Signal Processing Society enforces a "no-show" policy. Any accepted paper included in the final program is expected to have at least one author or qualified proxy attend and present the paper at the conference. Authors of the accepted papers included in the final program who do not attend the conference will be subscribed to a "No-Show List", compiled by the Society. The "no-show" papers will not be published by IEEE on IEEEXplore or other public access forums, but these papers will be distributed as part of the on-site electronic proceedings and the copyright of these papers will belong to the IEEE.

Tutorial and Special Sessions Proposals: Tutorials will be held on May 4 and 5, 2014. Brief tutorial proposals should include title, outline, contact information, biography and selected publications for the presenter(s), and a description of the tutorial and material to be distributed to participants. Special session proposals should include title, rationale, session outline, contact information, and a list of invited papers. Please refer to the ICASSP 2014 website for additional information.

Show & Tell: The 2014 edition of ICASSP is proud to bring back the S&T sessions. S&T offers the perfect stage for showcasing innovative ideas in all technical areas of interest of ICASSP. S&T sessions are expected to be highly interactive, involving, and very visible.


Special Session and Tutorial ProposalsAugust 30, 2013
Notification of Special Session and Tutorial AcceptanceSeptember 30, 2013
Submission of Regular PapersOctober 27, 2013 November 4, 2013
Signal Processing Letters DueJanuary 7, 2014
Notification of Paper AcceptanceJanuary 27, 2014 February 3, 2014
Show and Tell Proposal DeadlineFebruary 14, 2014
Revised Paper Upload DeadlineMarch 7, 2014
Author's Registration DeadlineMarch 14, 2014